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      Ever wonder why most of our bottles are grey? Here's a hint, its not for aesthetic reasons (although the grey is pretty cool).

      We all know plastic packaging, especially single use packaging, is one of the biggest threats faced by the environment today. And although it is not yet practical to move completely away from plastics, here is how we strive to #bebetter with our packaging everyday,

      We've all heard of REDUCE, REUSE, RECYLE, so here is how we at Better Earth try to tackle these three with our packaging:

      • Reduce: Although we offer all our products in smaller package sizes that make sense for each specific type of product, we also sell all our products in bulk (5L and often 25L). Buying in bulk helps to reduce the total plastic in circulation as each use lasts significantly longer. And on top of this we offer pretty big discounts on these sizes to help make that bigger purchase a little more affordable for you. 
      • Reuse: This is where those grey bottles come in. Every grey bottle has been recycled at least once already. And that lovely grey colour is kept because we add no harmful colour pigments to the process. We are super proud of this and we are one of very few businesses in SA doing it at the moment. To find out more about the grey bottle please have a read on our blog: Those Grey Bottles
      • Recycle: We pride ourselves on making sure everything we use is recyclable. And we mean everything - Our bottles, caps, labels (very few labels on commercial products are actually recyclable), boxes, and even the tape we use to seal our boxes.


      We also get asked why there is sometimes plastic packaging or backing pare in our boxes.

      This is not because we have gotten lazy. Quite the opposite! We realized that companies in the business park we are located in often get products shipped from overseas and there is a lot of plastic that does not go to the recycling centres. We arrange to use the packaging in our boxes. Our logic is that if it is not being recycled at least we can RE-USE it! And that is better.